The IVANA luxury handbag collection is revolutionary and very unique because with this handbags you can create serveral looks with the same handbag. We can hear you thinking. How is that possible? Because of the interchangeable part on the frontside of the handbag. The interchangeable part is called the Switchy. With one bag you can create endless styles for every ocassion, mood, expression.From casual to classic, glamorous or whatever you want and however you want to express yourself, just by changing the Switchy. You will be amazed how the look of your IVANA luxury handbag will change, just by switching the Switchy. And believe it or not. People will all believe that you wear again, another handbag.That is the beauty secret of the IVANA luxury handbag collection. One bag with different looks.

CUSTOMIZABLE BAG AND SWITCHY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    You might know, that one part of this brand is about identity and the challenge to dare to be yourself. Identity is about your uniqueness and impossible to copy by others. Fashion represents a great part of who you are and how you want to express yourself. Express yourself by wearing IVANA. Because of your uniqueness, your identity we have created, something very special for you.We find it very important to give our clients the possibility to create a IVANA luxury handbag and / or Switchy of your dreams. Based on who you are and what you wish, not what we offer. We want our clients to experience the happiness, the moment and the feeling of uniqueness and authenticity, when you design yourself. We want our clients to shine and glow like never before. The IVANA luxury handbag collection offers her clients the possibility to help you to personalize and design your own handbag and / or your Switchy.

If you want your handbag to match with your clothes, a tie or you have special material attached to memories, which you would like to use, Maybe you want your name on your handbag. Or a design with (white) gold and diamonds. Perhaps you have an idea yourself. Or you need it for a special ocasion. You are more than welcome to share your thoughts. Please contact us and do let us know your wishes, desires and dreams. We are delighted to help, advise and assist you on how we could create the IVANA luxury handbag and / or Switchy of your dreams.

Customized bags, customizable bag

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